Saturday, April 30, 2011

Boys vs Girls :P:P:P

Girl1: M in luv ♥

G2 : Who is he?

G3: how dose he look?

G4 : wt color?

G5: how tall is he?

G6 : wt is he doing?

G7 :who r his frnds?

G8 : hw rich is he?

After ful inspection all d gals: B careful he might be a bad guy.
G1 : ok :)

Nw same situation.

Boy1 : M in love. ♥

b2 : bhai party

b3 : bhai party

b4 : bhai party

b5 : bhai party

b6 : bhai party

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

adios VIT .. i LL miss u .. :(

What am I going to miss?
  • Listening to music almost 24x7.
  • Free time.
  • Walking in the hostel at 2 am to find that everyone is still awake.
  • 6 am – NO ONE is awake.
  • “Dude, it’s due tomorrow morning. Let’s sit after dinner and finish it.”
  • The standard reply every time someone asks someone else how their paper was – “Mar Gayii.”
  • Wondering what’s in the mess for lunch/dinner … and then going out instead.
  • Waking up at 9 am and thinking, “I’m already late for this class. Chuck it.”
  • Waking up at 11 am and thinking, “I’m already late for this class. Chuck it.”
  • “Dude, did you go for the class? … Oh, do you know anyone who did?”
  • Waking up at 2:30 pm and thinking, “I’m already late for this class. Chuck it.”
  • “Does he have marks for attendance?”
  • Defining a new relationship status - "RESERVE" 
  • Pondering in the campus.
  • Having an exam at 9 am and updating your facebook status at 8:15 am.
  • “Attention seniors. Technical seminars tomorrow. Attendance Compulsory.” – yeah, right.
  • “Woah dude, you got placed! TREAT TREAT TREAT!”
  • “Woah dude, you won a competition! TREAT TREAT TREAT!”
  • “Woah dude, you’re breathing! TREAT TREAT TREAT!”
  • “Woah dude … whatever, TREAT TREAT TREAT!”
  • “happy birthday, man … UTHA LO!!! MAAAROOOO!!! UTHAA LOOOO!!!!”
And most importantly:
  • Why B.TECH?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

GOD and ME ..!!..

“God Loves Me,” the familiar tune which reassures children that God does love them no matter what color they are. Why? The Bhagvat-geeta tells me so. “The Hinduism life,” for so long, was something that took place only when I was thinking about God and reading the Bhagvat-geeta and praying. I did not follow God all the time, so did God still love me?  

I remember the day well. There was a disturbance of some sort in the house of which I had taken part. I am not sure whether I was the malefactor or was the beneficiary, probably a quarrel with my brother, but I do remember what happened thereafter. After my rebuke, I walked through the back door and proceeded to the garage. In those days, and even now, the garage was not meant for cars but for storage, so there were boxes upon boxes of stored junk. Upon entering, I moved a few boxes away, found a familiar hole where my brother and I used to go and hide, bellied myself on the dusty flour, and crawled about three and one half feet under stored chairs and one desk to my destination—a hidden spot in the far corner of garage. None would find me there! Immediately I began to cry. “No one loves me!” and “Everybody hates me!” were the phrases that I would say. Tears flowing, I would condemn the world for its hatred and console myself with the words I knew too well, “It’s okay. You can survive though no one understands you.” How hopeless words can console is a mystery—but truth switches places with lies when you’re deceived. 

The truth was that I grew up in a Hindu home and was extremely loved. My family showed no favoritism. My brother and I were treated equally and we loved each other. We had our brushes with each other’s bad side often, but brother do that. My parents, though imperfect, were anxious that we know truth. My mom taught Precept bhagvat geeta Studies, as did my dad, so I can remember early days of intense study of the geeta—an amazing foundation for a young kid.We went to temples that taught the geeta clearly. Life couldn’t get any better. However, despite the amazing situation I was in, I was still inferior. Nonetheless, throughout those years God’s love was translated from loving me when I’m serving him to also loving me when I’m not. Nevertheless, with such truth learned and so much more to know, I still felt so inadequate for God’s love; whenever I would sin—all the time—I would come down on myself like a load of bricks. “God must be disappointed in you! You know the truth yet you lie! You are a failure! Who could love you after that?” 

The Tide Turns 

 We were a formidable force which many had to be reckoned with.People feared us. There were many situations we walked into. Arun (false name)(my elder brother) and I became instant celebrities within the youth group, and after the “cool people” (Senior’s in High school) left, we were the top-dogs. I joined the youth group praise band and was eventually given charge over it. I was a part of the planning process for the Wednesday night events. Much was going my way. 

Nevertheless, with each higher power I gained in the temple, the easier I saw the problems both with the temple and myself. With each attempt to be such a witness, I would fail miserably while no one was looking. One Sunday evening I went to temple after having failed miserably. I saw the smiling faces looking my way and smiled back with all the face I could muster. “You’re a fake!” People would say, “How are you?” to which I’d say, “Great!” “You’re a liar!” The service rolled into the alter call and I did not go forward. “You don’t care!” If only the world could know that I am human. 

A few days later I went to visit with my english teacher at school to talk. The conversation that progressed changed the course of my life. She said, “Badal, during the alter call on Sunday evening, I prayed for you.” I was shocked! Someone other than my parents would pray for me? I asked why, and she began to explain to me how I for so long had been hostage to an inferior state of mind which affected every aspect of my life. I could not believe what I was hearing! I knew exactly what she was talking about. For so long, I thought that my bondage was a normal, when truly inferiority had darkened every part of my life. I discovered was that I was nowhere close to true person that God had called me to be because I had kneeled before at a stumbling block that I had erected years before. I was called to glorify and worship God in my life, yet all I could see was my sick sinfulness and not His glory. After that day I began to see God’s grace in a new way. I was not simply a “loved person;” I was truly “His Beloved!” God showed me this then; I can see it now! Though the course of letting His truth take control over my life has been an ongoing struggle, by His grace I will shine His glory through the good and bad times. By His grace that gives me identity and worth, I will sing His song of love and my understanding of it will be real! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stages of Love.. !!..

Stage I: Doubting
The first stage is that of uncertainty. You spend most of the time wondering if the other person feels the same way as you do. You run all kinds of tests on your target to evaluate the response factor of love.

And perhaps you do get some feedback. If you don't, you falsely assume it. You at least let your friends believe that you got response from other party. And then you like to stay mesmerized in that hopefulness. You live in hope. Like the rest of the humanity. Only to discover later when the other party realizes that you're coming too close and slaps reality right into your face.

Most love stories end here.

Stage II: Loving
This is the middle stage on journey of love. You spend most of the time exploring other party's ideas, hobbies, body parts, what not. Because you got lucky, and your doubt has been transformed into truth, and there's mutual agreement between two parties. There could be some factor of compromise involved as well.

This stage lasts for a very short period of time, again the magnitude of time is a complex function of culture. But no matter how short this stage may be, this indeed is what people like to call "being in love". That is when their hormones are in resonance.

Blessed are those love stories that make the most out of it.

Stage III: Knowing
It is the last and rarest phase. Not a lot of people make it, unless forced to via arranged marriages. After phase II, it's hard for the mates of any species to stick together. There is hardly any motivation. There is nothing new or fresh in the relationship.

This is the true test of the so-called "love". It's when you really get to "know" a person. You know that you prolly aren't that crazy about that person the way you were when you're in stage II. Things are kindof dormant.

But there's something else in this stage, something much stronger. After making it so far, after all those years down the road, after all this history with the other party, you know that your heart aches to be away from that person. You just can't live without that person. It's like a disease which has no cure. You have now developed a addictive liking towards a person. There is this passive realization.

There is this knowing.

So, which stage are you at?


Ho love of mine..
with a song and a whine..
You’re harsh and divine..
like truths and a lie..
but the tale end is not here..
I’ve nothing to fear..
for my love is yell of giving and hold on…
in the bright emptiness..
in a room full of it..
is the cruel mistress ho ho o…
I feel the sunrise..
that nest all hollowness..
for i have the way to go.. not come…
And i feel so lonely yea..
There’s a better place from this emptiness..
And i’m so lonely yea..
There’s a better please from this emptiness.. yei yei yei ya….
Aa.. aa.. aa…..

Tune mere jaana..

Kabhi nahi jana..
Ishq mera dard mera.. haaye…
Tune mere jaana..
Kabhi nahi jana..
Ishq mera dard mera …
Aashiq teraaa..
Bheed mein khoya rehta hai..
Jaane jahaan a..
Puchho toh itna kehta hai..
And i feel so lonely yea..
There’s a better place from  this emptiness..
And i’m so lonely yea..

There’s a better please from this emptiness..

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Warrior of the Light"

"Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle." 

Every Warrior of the Light has, at some time in the past, lied or betrayed someone.
Every Warrior of the Light has trodden a path that was not his.
Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons. 
Every Warrior of the Light has, at least once, believed he was not a Warrior of the Light.
Every Warrior of the Light has failed in his spiritual duties.
Every Warrior of the Light has said 'yes' when he wanted to say 'no.'
Every Warrior of the Light has hurt someone he loved.

That is why he is a Warrior of the Light, because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is.