Tuesday, April 26, 2011

adios VIT .. i LL miss u .. :(

What am I going to miss?
  • Listening to music almost 24x7.
  • Free time.
  • Walking in the hostel at 2 am to find that everyone is still awake.
  • 6 am – NO ONE is awake.
  • “Dude, it’s due tomorrow morning. Let’s sit after dinner and finish it.”
  • The standard reply every time someone asks someone else how their paper was – “Mar Gayii.”
  • Wondering what’s in the mess for lunch/dinner … and then going out instead.
  • Waking up at 9 am and thinking, “I’m already late for this class. Chuck it.”
  • Waking up at 11 am and thinking, “I’m already late for this class. Chuck it.”
  • “Dude, did you go for the class? … Oh, do you know anyone who did?”
  • Waking up at 2:30 pm and thinking, “I’m already late for this class. Chuck it.”
  • “Does he have marks for attendance?”
  • Defining a new relationship status - "RESERVE" 
  • Pondering in the campus.
  • Having an exam at 9 am and updating your facebook status at 8:15 am.
  • “Attention seniors. Technical seminars tomorrow. Attendance Compulsory.” – yeah, right.
  • “Woah dude, you got placed! TREAT TREAT TREAT!”
  • “Woah dude, you won a competition! TREAT TREAT TREAT!”
  • “Woah dude, you’re breathing! TREAT TREAT TREAT!”
  • “Woah dude … whatever, TREAT TREAT TREAT!”
  • “happy birthday, man … UTHA LO!!! MAAAROOOO!!! UTHAA LOOOO!!!!”
And most importantly:
  • Why B.TECH?

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