Wednesday, July 20, 2011

आज मेरा मन उदास है!!

आज मेरा मन उदास है
किससे कहूँ?
नहीं कोई आस-पास है
किससे कहूँ?
इस सूनेपन को
एकाकी मन को
इन सन्नाटों को
अनकही बातों को
इन अंधेरों को
दुखों के घेरों को
इस गहराती रात को
अपने मन की बात को
किससे कहूँ?
आज मेरा मन उदास है
किससे कहूँ?
नहीं कोई आस-पास है
किससे कहूँ?

स्वप्न से स्मृति(smriti) तक....."आओ ज़िन्दगी एक बार गले मिल लें"

मौत के साथ मैं हमेशा से ही बेतकल्लुफ़ रहा हूँ। इसके जो भी कारण रहे उनमें ना जाते हुए केवल इतना कहना चाहूंगा कि यह रचना पुरानी है और मौत की तरफ़ मेरी बेतकल्लुफ़ी कम हुई है।

"आओ ज़िन्दगी एक बार गले मिल लें
वक़्त बिछड़ने का आ गया
बहुत कुछ तुमने मुझे दिया
पर यूँ जैसे टुकड़ों को सिया
कम देती पर स्नेह के साथ देती
जब गिरा तो थाम मेरा हाथ लेती
तुमने शब्द दिये पर अर्थ नहीं
सुंदर सपने दिये सामर्थ्य नहीं
मौसम दिये लेकिन बहार नहीं
दिल दिया पर किसी का प्यार नहीं
वन, पर्वत, नगर और गाँव दिये
चल सकने को नहीं पाँव दिये
अब अंत आ चुका मेरे निकट है
तुमसे बिछड़ना कितना विकट है
क्या हुआ जो तुमने तिरस्कार किया
पर मैनें तो तुमको प्यार दिया
विदाई है मेरी आँखे नम हैं
मुझे आशा अधिक दुख कम है
तुम्हारी तरह वो नहीं सताएगी
गोद में मृत्यु मुझे सुलाएगी
मैं रहा बिखरा बिखरा अब तक
अब वक़्त सँवरने का आ गया
आओ ज़िन्दगी एक बार गले मिल लें
वक़्त बिछड़ने का आ गया"

The Fluctuator

the man of steel stands
closer to the cotton field
when life is hard
to feel the soft & susceptible…
the young girl of tender heart
stands nearer the construction site
as she takes in the pounding with wonder
also sympathetic plight
i don’t know the secret language
and i don’t see how it might
help me get through the night.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ideas for Indian startups

One of the oft asked questions is — How do I get my startup idea ?
While many of the startups are founded by entrepreneurs to solve problems they personally run into, startup ‘ideas’ may not come so obviously to others. So, while some have already found that idea, some are still suffering from idea overload and several others have no clue on how to seek out ideas.
So, how do you seek out ideas ?  Specifically, how do you seek out startup ideas for the Indian market ?
Why do I specifically say the ‘Indian market’ ? Well, because the Indian online market poses some unique challenges.
First, in terms of size.
The Indian online audience is really small. Internet and more specifically broadband adoption is still in its infancy. Majority of the Internet usage happens from cyber cafes and workplace. Not to mention broadband adoption is skewed mainly across the more IT savvy urban areas.
Second in terms of the Indian online usage patterns.
Bollywood, news, stocks, cricket, matrimony, jobs, astrology still dominate the online Indian usage pattern. Indians are heavy consumers of content but dont fare well at content generation. Anything outside of the above verticals risks borderline into a niche category.
Taking into account the above two factors, seeking out ideas to the Indian Internet market is quite different than seeking out ideas for the US market. Something that has been successful in US may not work in the Indian market without taking into account the above two constraints that are unique to the Indian market.
So, how can you find the startup ‘idea’  for Indian market ?
To find your startup idea, you need to build something that people want. And for that you need to know their intent. Search engines are one way of telling intent – you can tell a user’s intent by knowing what info they are searching for (Google’s Adsense is built on the same premise).
So, how can you tell what people are searching for ?
It’s here that Google’s Insights for Search comes into play. Though it doesnt get as much press coverage as some of the other Google products, its one of the most useful and powerful products that Google provides. A market researcher’s dream.  For a market researcher, Google’s Insight into Search is what Disneyland is to a kid.
If you arent familiar with the product, I’d strongly suggest you really get well acquainted with it.
Its basically Google Trends on steroids, and Google describes it as:
With Google Insights for Search, you can compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, and time frames.
Using Google Insights for Search, you can basically analyze data on what content people are searching for. You can then dissect the data based on location, time ranges etc.
I’m going to illustrate how you can use Google Insights for Search with a simple example.
Lets say I’m interested in a startup idea related to an iPhone application for Indian users. To begin with, I need to know if there’s a viable market related to iPhone apps in India. Are Indians familiar with iPhone apps ? If so, what info do they seek out on Google related to iPhone and iPhone applications ?
Here’s a quick capture from Google Insights, which shows that search for ‘iPhone’ and related terms has grown by more than 5000% in the last 5 years.
If you look at the normalized search totals for iPhone, it ranks at 20 — which indicates that the number of iPhone related searches was pretty less over the past 5 years (obviously — duh ! iPhone was launched couple of years back, so you wouldnt expect a lot of search volume in the last 5 years).
Next, lets look at iPhone related searches over the past 1 year.
You’ll now see that the normalized search volume ranks at 34, which is decent but still not spectacular.
Next, lets look for searches related to ‘iPhone applications’. The normalized search queries for ‘iPhone applications’ for the past 1 year in India ranks at 63, which is quite surprising – considering that the normalized search results for iPhone itself was ranked lower. Probably the only reason why that could happen is that there are lesser people searching for iPhone in India. However, existing iPhone owners are actively searching for iPhone applications. Either that or offshore software development companies are looking for info related to iPhone application development to cater to their clients.
Additionally, when you look at the regional interest for iPhone applications in India, you see the following:
Only people from the above states were looking for iPhone applications and I wont be surprised if majority of the iPhone owners reside in the above states (considering that these states are more tech savvy and have a larger early adopter crowd). Or the other assumption also applies – majority of the IT software companies are located in these states and they contributed to the higher search volume for ‘iPhone applications’.
Moving on, when you look at the related search terms for ‘iPhone applications’, you see that ‘free iPhone applications’ ranks pretty high as well.
So, now that we’ve done a really rudimentary market research, what does the above information tell us ?
  • The market for iPhone applications in India is small, undoubtedly a very niche category.
  • There is an interest in iPhone applications, but this search volume / interest is skewed because:
    • These searches might be originating from Indian software development companies catering to project from western clients Or
    • These searches originated from actual iPhone owners, which might indicate that iPhone owners are in love with their iPhone. But this still limits the actual market size, since as per our first bullet, the interest in iPhone is small in India. In essence, a small but really rabid user base
  • Edit – forgot to add this bullet earlier: Of the interest in iPhone applications, the search volume for free apps ranks higher. So, probably a paid iPhone app might have some challenges in adoption
You can then use this information to decide whether you really want to proceed with your iPhone app idea or think about an alternative.
The goal of the illustration above was simply to show how you can use Google Insights effectively. By no means am I implying that you should or shouldnt venture into iPhone app development.
Google Insights is a powerful tool and I think you should use it more often and become a power user – not just for seeking out ideas and doing market research. It is also immensely useful for marketing, brand research, competitor analysis and SEO magic.  Even startups that have already launched should harness its power to get additional insight into market trends.
If you have any additional ideas or tips on using Google Insights more effectively, do share !!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Superman's A Jerk, When He's Drunk"

Two men are drinking in a bar at the top of the Empire State Building. One turns to the other and says: "You know last week I discovered that if you jump from the top of this building- by the time you fall to the 10th floor, the winds around the building are so intense that they carry you around the building and back into the window." The bartender just shakes his head in disapproval while wiping the bar.
The 2nd Man says: "What are you a nut? There is no way in heck that could happen."
1st Man: "No it's true let me prove it to you." So he gets up from the bar, jumps over the balcony, and careens to the street below. When he passes the 10th floor, the high wind whips him around the building and back into the 10th floor window and he takes the elevator back up to the bar.
The 2nd Man tells him: "You know I saw that with my own eyes, but that must have been a one time fluke."
1st Man: "No, I'll prove it again" and again he jumps and hurtles toward the street where the 10th floor wind gently carries him around the building and into the window. Once upstairs he urges his fellow drinker to try it.
2nd Man: "Well what the heck, it works, I'll try it." So he jumps over the balcony, plunges downward, passes the 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th floors and hits the sidewalk with a 'splat.'
Back upstairs the Bartender turns to the other drinker:
"You know, Superman, you're a real jerk when you're drunk."


Such is the way of the world
You can never know
Just where to put all your faith
And how will it grow

Gonna rise up
Burning black holes in dark memories
Gonna rise up
Turning mistakes into gold

Such is the passage of time
Too fast to fold
Suddenly swallowed by signs
Low and behold

Gonna rise up
Find my direction magnetically
Gonna rise up
Throw down my ace in the hole

No Ceiling !!

Comes the morning
When I can feel
That there's nothing left to be concealed
Moving on a scene surreal
No, my heart will never
Will never be far from here

Sure as I am breathing
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh
I leave here believing more than I had
And there's a reason I'll be
A reason I'll be back

As I walk
The Hemisphere
*I've got* my wish
To up and disappear

*I've been* wounded
*I've been* healed
Now for landing *I've been*
Landing *I've been* cleared

Sure as I'm breathing
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom
In my flesh

I leave here believing
More than I had
This Love has got
No Ceiling

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Into The Wild

"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."

Trace An Ip ADDRESS..??..


These massengers works in dis way,
you------->massenger's server------>ur freind
if u vl do d previous operation then u vl find massenger's ip addres.
here,u may use social eengineering,
social eenginering is d next chapter bt here a small introduction.
social eengineering mans making some1 fool nd hacking him,
in dis masenger case[mind it most of d massenger follow dis way]simpally say ur freind 2 send a file or 2 recieve a file,if he agrred then just do previous operation.
when he vl send u d file then it vl nt come thru massenger ,it vl directly come 2 u nd by writing netstat -n,u may find 1 more ip address dt is of ur freind.
or der's a 1 more method,u may say him 2 mail you or write a mail 2 him nd use readnotify thing,vch i told previously nd now wen he vl send u mail or wen he vl reply 4 ur mail,u can get his ip address.